Test Preparation Services (TPS)
TPS is a leading tutor school in English test preparation in Gatineau for the CEGEP Exit test
Quebec |
TPS - Cegep Exit Exam in Gatineau
If you are going to a CEGEP in Gatineau, you are required by the Quebec Ministry of Education to take the The Ministerial Examination of College English (the English Exit Exam) to graduate and obtain a Diplôme d'études collégiales (DEC). It is a four-hour examination that takes place: in May, August, and December. It is based on the Ministerial Objectives and standards for all English courses given in the province.
There is only one English College in Gatineau (ie Heritage College) and the College does provide a range of services to students manage. The aim of this page is to briefly let you know about the test and how to find free resources and then if still nervous offer tutor services.
There is only one English College in Gatineau (ie Heritage College) and the College does provide a range of services to students manage. The aim of this page is to briefly let you know about the test and how to find free resources and then if still nervous offer tutor services.
What are the features of the CEGEP Exit exam
Basically the Exit Exam in English is a huge writing exam. Its just one essay but you are expected to write 750 words based on 3 readings.
Students have four hours to
There are three criteria:
1. Comprehension and Insight
The final determination is on a scale from A (very good) to F (unacceptable).
A. Very good
B. Good
C. Adequate
D. Weak
E. Very poor
F. Unacceptable
Students pass the exam if they have grades of C or better in each of the three criteria. D is a failing grade.
After the papers are graded, students are informed of the results in a report which indicates the grade the student has earned on each of the three criteria, as well as the outcome, Pass or Fail.
You can retake the exam but there is a limited number of times you can retake it.
Students have four hours to
- read three selections of fiction and non-fiction,
- choose one of the three selections to write about,
- organize and draft an essay in response, and
- revise and edit the essay.
There are three criteria:
1. Comprehension and Insight
- recognition of a main idea from the selected reading
- identification of techniques and/or devices employed by the author
- evidence of critical or analytical interpretation of the selection
- references that demonstrate understanding of the reading
- statement of a thesis about the text
- structured development of the essay
- use of detail to support the thesis
- unified paragraph structure
- appropriate use of words
- varied and correct sentence structures
- correct grammar
- conventional spelling, punctuation, and usage
The final determination is on a scale from A (very good) to F (unacceptable).
A. Very good
B. Good
C. Adequate
D. Weak
E. Very poor
F. Unacceptable
Students pass the exam if they have grades of C or better in each of the three criteria. D is a failing grade.
After the papers are graded, students are informed of the results in a report which indicates the grade the student has earned on each of the three criteria, as well as the outcome, Pass or Fail.
You can retake the exam but there is a limited number of times you can retake it.
Schedule of dates for Exit exam
The following dates are listed on the Education et Enseignement Superieur Quebec Ministry of Education site
2017 May 17 August 9 December 13
2018 May 16 August 8 December 19
2019 May 15 August 14 December 18
2020 May 13 August 12 December 16
2017 May 17 August 9 December 13
2018 May 16 August 8 December 19
2019 May 15 August 14 December 18
2020 May 13 August 12 December 16
If you are seeking a tutor, first exhaust all the available free resources and much of this is outlined on the the Heritage College website. At Heritage CEGEP, there is a free peer tutor service that you can: email or call 819 778-2270, Ext. 1310. It is free and gives you some advice on how to approach the exam.
However, it we believe it may be wise to also seek out additional tutoring in the Exit Exam by using a professional teacher tutor who can give appropriate feedback, mark unlimited numbers of practice essays and can put you to a full-fledged writing program. This is where TPS can assist you in just 3-4 classes. Contact the TPS Exit Exam tutor page for more information
However, it we believe it may be wise to also seek out additional tutoring in the Exit Exam by using a professional teacher tutor who can give appropriate feedback, mark unlimited numbers of practice essays and can put you to a full-fledged writing program. This is where TPS can assist you in just 3-4 classes. Contact the TPS Exit Exam tutor page for more information
Self Study Resources
For free sites that give resources on how to approach the essay go to our site on CEGEP Exit Exam Free Strategies and Tips page. If looking for free practice tests you can go through our Free Exit Exam Practice site. It should be mentioned that for the free practice, I am merely providing links already established on the internet, since I am not allowed to publish my own resources but it does give you a useful set of resources to self study.