Free TOEFL Listening & Reading Tests
The following websites give free sites for tests in reading and listening whereby questions flash on screen. You can practice using tests on paper but it is not ideal. Remember that in the real TOEFL exam the questions flash on screen after the listening passage and reading so if you are using a paper test to imitate the iBT you must be prepared to only show questions after a certain time. For the listening test make sure that you have proper audio head phones - listening to it straight from a laptop or mobile phone speakers is not enough.
For reading tests go to ETS site in its sample questions pdf and quick prep section. There are not a lot but they are the most authentic and are the best starting point.
For non-official sites try out the English Club selection - the level is not so accurate but they do give a good imitation of the style of reading questions. Academic Success offers a series of demo reading tests as does Exam English and on another website called Grammar Bank. YouTube has a nice little channel called Nebraska Jones which gives 6 reading exams with answers at the end.
For non-official sites try out the English Club selection - the level is not so accurate but they do give a good imitation of the style of reading questions. Academic Success offers a series of demo reading tests as does Exam English and on another website called Grammar Bank. YouTube has a nice little channel called Nebraska Jones which gives 6 reading exams with answers at the end.
The main idea with listening practice is to get used to the style of questions and learning to develop a process for absorbing information and taking notes For listening tests the best sources are the ETS ones, namely those on its practice site - both the sample questions pdf and quick prep section. The reading and listening are together on this page but fairly easy to find.
English Club has a separate section for listening and there are quite a number of them. Academic Success has listening tests and there are some decent ones at Exam English.
Listening is a section of TOEFL where YouTube is superior to the websites - it gives superior listening examples, probably because it is taking the the audios from established textbooks and offering it online. Nebraska Jones offers a whopping 18 listening videos. The ETS Official Guide is posted by Victor J and I would advise you to visit the Victor J Channel
English Club has a separate section for listening and there are quite a number of them. Academic Success has listening tests and there are some decent ones at Exam English.
Listening is a section of TOEFL where YouTube is superior to the websites - it gives superior listening examples, probably because it is taking the the audios from established textbooks and offering it online. Nebraska Jones offers a whopping 18 listening videos. The ETS Official Guide is posted by Victor J and I would advise you to visit the Victor J Channel
More Advice
With reading and listening, the emphasis in TOEFL is more on the general comprehension of overall meaning and gist as opposed to specific details. You can take notes but makes sure it is for the general principles and issues rather than writing down specific details.
A good site will often tell you what the test is trying to gauge. It usually should explain why you made a mistake however often you may still be confused. If you have made mistakes, and you really cannot understand why, feel free to send me an email or make a post to our TOEFL blog
A good site will often tell you what the test is trying to gauge. It usually should explain why you made a mistake however often you may still be confused. If you have made mistakes, and you really cannot understand why, feel free to send me an email or make a post to our TOEFL blog