Celban Exam Locations, Dates, Fees and Policies in Ottawa Gatineau
If in Ottawa, you will have to take the trip into Toronto because there is no place else in Ontario. However, the 4 and a half drive/bus/via rail trip might be worth it if you can avoid the dreaded IELTS test. The one location offering CELBAN is:
Toronto, ON
Touchstone Institute
145 Wellington Street West
Toronto, ON M5J 1H8
Test Dates
Wednesday, February 26, 2020 (FULL)
Wednesday, March 18, 2020 (FULL)
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Saturday, November 21, 2020
For other test locations check below but go to the official CELBAN website to check dates and availability
Calgary, AB
Immigrant Language & Vocational Assessment - Referral Centre (ILVARC)
1401, 910 – 7th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2P 3N8
Edmonton, AB
Language Assessment, Referral and Counselling Centre (LARCC)
8212-118 Avenue (East Office, Main Floor)
Edmonton, Alberta
T5B 0S3
Vancouver, BC
Ashton Testing Services
1190 Melville Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 3W1
Vancouver, BC
Langara College
100 West 49th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Y 2Z6
Winnipeg, MB
Red River College, Language Training Centre
300 – 123 Main St
Winnipeg, MB R3C 1A3
Winnipeg, MB
Winnipeg English Language Assessment & Referral Centre (WELARC)
400 – 275 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB, R3B 2B3
Halifax, NS
Language Assessment Services of Nova Scotia (LASNS)
221 – 6169 Quinpool Rd.
Halifax, NS B3L 4P8
Toronto, ON
Touchstone Institute
145 Wellington Street West
Toronto, ON M5J 1H8
Test Dates
Wednesday, February 26, 2020 (FULL)
Wednesday, March 18, 2020 (FULL)
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Saturday, November 21, 2020
For other test locations check below but go to the official CELBAN website to check dates and availability
Calgary, AB
Immigrant Language & Vocational Assessment - Referral Centre (ILVARC)
1401, 910 – 7th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta T2P 3N8
Edmonton, AB
Language Assessment, Referral and Counselling Centre (LARCC)
8212-118 Avenue (East Office, Main Floor)
Edmonton, Alberta
T5B 0S3
Vancouver, BC
Ashton Testing Services
1190 Melville Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 3W1
Vancouver, BC
Langara College
100 West 49th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Y 2Z6
Winnipeg, MB
Red River College, Language Training Centre
300 – 123 Main St
Winnipeg, MB R3C 1A3
Winnipeg, MB
Winnipeg English Language Assessment & Referral Centre (WELARC)
400 – 275 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB, R3B 2B3
Halifax, NS
Language Assessment Services of Nova Scotia (LASNS)
221 – 6169 Quinpool Rd.
Halifax, NS B3L 4P8
CELBAN Exam Fees and Policies
The CELBAN test fee is $395 for all test sites across Canada without GST
If you cancel the test it will cost you $95 and to request a re-score will cost you
To change a test date or location, you must cancel your test and register for a new test and you must make a cancellation more than 10 days of the test
If you cancel the test it will cost you $95 and to request a re-score will cost you
- Speaking – $95
- Writing – $75
- Listening – $25
- Reading – $25
To change a test date or location, you must cancel your test and register for a new test and you must make a cancellation more than 10 days of the test
CELBAN Tutoring
If you would like to prepare with a tutor either in person or by online tutoring visit our registration page and fill out a form or emailing us directly at [email protected]. Alternatively you are welcome to call us at 613 447 1622 to check if a time is open.