TOEFL Exam Locations in West Carleton
TOEFL Test Locations
The full address of the one testing center in Ottawa is:
450 March Rd.
Suite 101
OTTAWA, Ontario
K2K 3K2
450 March Rd.
Suite 101
OTTAWA, Ontario
K2K 3K2
Registering for TOEFL
Do not attempt to register at the testing center on March Road. The official page for locations, dates and times is the ETS Website and sign in as a new user. To know your different options for registering (eg online versus e-mail vs telephone) go to the ETS site under different registration options
To find out times and dates quickly go to our page on West Carleton TOEFL Times and Dates
To find out times and dates quickly go to our page on West Carleton TOEFL Times and Dates
Tutor Help in West Carleton Ottawa
If you require tutoring before taking the test contact the TOEFL West Carleton page
Registering just involves going to the registration page and filling out a form or emailing us directly at [email protected] . Alternatively you are welcome to call us at 604 353 6422 to check if a time is open.
Registering just involves going to the registration page and filling out a form or emailing us directly at [email protected] . Alternatively you are welcome to call us at 604 353 6422 to check if a time is open.