SAT Test Dates, Time & Fees in East Ottawa
SAT Registration Dates
Those of you in the eastern side of Ottawa have 2 choices. Go to SAT Ottawa locations, if you need to know addresses. The SAT is run at the very same date throughout North America so the following dates apply to all centers including those in Ottawa. You can check Ivy Global and Prep Skills for an easier summary.
The following are standard dates for the SAT, no matter which center you are at. Check with the SAT College Board site if you are passed the deadline because you may ask to be put on a wait-list status.
Official SAT registration for Non-US students taking the test in Canada
All Dates re subject to change so please confirm
Test Date: May 2, 2020
Test Date: June 6, 2020
Test Date: August 29, 2020
Test Date: October 03, 2020
Test Date: December 05, 2020
The following are standard dates for the SAT, no matter which center you are at. Check with the SAT College Board site if you are passed the deadline because you may ask to be put on a wait-list status.
Official SAT registration for Non-US students taking the test in Canada
All Dates re subject to change so please confirm
Test Date: May 2, 2020
- SAT & Subjects
- Registration deadline: April 3, 2020
Test Date: June 6, 2020
- Subjects only
- Registration deadline: May 8, 2020
Test Date: August 29, 2020
- SAT & Subjects
- Registration deadline: July 31, 2020
Test Date: October 03, 2020
- SAT & Subjects
- Registration deadline: September 04, 2020
Test Date: December 05, 2020
- SAT & Subjects
- Registration deadline: November 06, 2020
Fees for SAT Exam
You can elect to take the SAT and subject tests. Please be sure you know the difference between these components before you register. SAT is not so forgiving for wrong choices when trying to get refunds past a certain point.
The following is the free structure according to the official SAT official website on fees,
SAT = $46 + $38 (regional fee) = $84
SAT with essay = $100 + $ 38 (regional fee) = $138
Subjects = $21
The following is the free structure according to the official SAT official website on fees,
SAT = $46 + $38 (regional fee) = $84
SAT with essay = $100 + $ 38 (regional fee) = $138
Subjects = $21